Fundraising Doesn't Have to be Difficult!
Fundraising can be a wonderful, rewarding experience. It can also be a stressful experience that you hope to never repeat. If you are unfamiliar with popular fundraising techniques or simply do not know where to begin, you can feel certain that you will find something on our site to guide you in the right direction.
At Fact Expert, you will be able to find articles on everything from fundraising letters to fundraising thermometers to Krispy Kreme fundraising! There is even plenty of information for those who have been doing fundraisers for years or who work full-time for fundraising companies.
Before you begin reading or planning, however, check the policies of the company for which you are fundraising. Some companies only allow certain types of fundraising. For example, some companies may not allow fundraising letters or telephone calls so that no one can accuse them of buying or selling address or telephone lists. Once you know the ins and outs of your individual company or charity, get prepared to come up with some wonderful ideas for collecting donations!
Become a Fundraising Expert
Unless you want to become a fundraising expert, you probably do not want to spend a great deal of time organizing and preparing your fundraising event. Additionally, you may simply be the type of person who does not want to hassle people for money after knocking (unexpectedly) on their front door. Fortunately, the time-consuming, door-to-door fundraising strategy is a thing of the past, and you will be much more successful if you take a few moments to read some of our articles and familiarize yourself with the fundraising of the new generation.
Do not take our word for it, though! Run the information you obtain from this website past friends who have been fundraising for longer than you. We are quite confident they will approve of our advice. Then, give our advice a try! We are sure that, in no time, you will be the chairperson of a successful fundraiser and will have the reward of knowing you helped raise money for a worthy cause.
We do ncourage you, however, not to get discouraged if contributions do not come pouring in immediately. Often, it takes several hours, days, or even weeks of fundraising before people begin to really respond. Once contributors pick up the pace, though, it usually does not slow down for an extended period of time.
Good luck!